Novels of Charles Dickens, Re-serialized

Nearby Worcester Polytechnic Institute's (WPI) Gordon Library is offering modern readers the chance to experience the novels of Dickens in their original, serialized form.  Project Boz is digitizing roughly 12,000 pages of text as searchable PDF images.  

"We wanted to offer everyone the opportunity to encounter these novels as Victorian readers did," said Kathy Markees, preservation librarian and co-director of Project Boz with Lora Brueck, assistant director of collections.  

"Looking at the high-resolution scans we've made of the text, the delightful illustrations (which are not always included in modern print editions), and the ads from publishers, tailors, apothecaries, and other merchants, is the closest you can come to experiencing these rarely seen serial parts short of holding them in your hands," Markees said.

To read more about this project, see the full article here.  

And don't forget to follow the Twitter account @DickensDaily if you are a Dickens fan. Part 1 of A Christmas Carol was just tweeted to help get you in the holiday spirit!