Need current statistics for your Issues Affecting Teens project?

Finding Good, Current Sources
  • No matter what the copyright date of the website is, check the dates on the references and sources listed for the information. 
    • The website might have been updated recently, but that doesn't mean that the sources are current. 
    • If there are no sources, then not only do you have no idea how old the information is, you also have no idea where it came from.
    • (Current is here defined as <5 years old - information about health topics is dangerous if it's out of date!)
  • Figure out what organizations keep statistics on your topic, and then search their websites. Go straight to the source.
  • Use search operators like or to limit your search on Google.
    • You can get fancy with this - try something like statistics 2011..2015 to search just the Stop Bullying website for articles mentioning statistics and any year between 2011 and 2015.
  • Make sure you're using a reliable source! Use the CRAAP test - ask yourself if the source you want to use is current enough, is relevant to your information needs, is from an authority on the subject, contains accurate information, and has a purpose that suggests that the information on the site is objective.
Citing Your Sources
  • Go to the Citation Help tab above for guides and more resources. The video below is less than 90 seconds and demonstrates how to use those MLA-style templates to create a citation for a website.

Recommended Resources