February 25 Book Club Pick: Short Stories by Ray Bradbury

Book Club is reading stories by Ray Bradbury for the next meeting; all are welcome to join the discussion after school in the library on Thursday, February 25. 

Read any short stories by Ray Bradbury you like - we'll talk about all of them! Copies of his story collections The Martian Chronicles, The October Country, and I Sing the Body Electric! will be available in the library. The Martian Chronicles is a series of stories about an attempt to colonize Mars, while the stories in The October Country and I Sing the Body Electric! span the genres of science fiction, horror, and fantasy, with a heavy dose of nostalgia. 

The meetings for the rest of the year are:

If you liked the January Book Club pick, Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett, check out some recommended similar books on display in the library and on Pinterest.