Library Tour for Mr. Galicia's E Block

Find a Print Book to Read

  • Need a place to start browsing? Check out these genre guides that collect some good choices in popular genres.
  • To see if we have a book on the shelf, search for it in the library catalog.
  • Look for the call number to find out where it is in the library. Call numbers that start with F are in fiction, call numbers that start with a number are in nonfiction, and call numbers that start with GN are on the graphic novels display.
    This call number starts with F, so look for the book in the fiction section.
  • To check out your book, tell Ms. Charpentier your name and the 5 digit number on the label on the book's back cover. 

Find an eBook to Read

  • Go to or download the Sora app for your device. 
  • Search for Uxbridge Public Schools.
  • Log in with your school Google account.
  • Borrow eBooks and eAudio, and read/listen in the browser or download them to the app.